Stick Figures from Iron

As Christmas fast approaches, this article will take on a lighter tone than recent ones.

In one of my first articles, I commented on how I’ve always wished I could draw.  It was this lack of skill, I think, which in part drew me to writing.  If I can’t create visually, I can create through words instead.  The premise is that “A thousand words are worth a picture.”

But over the past few years, I’ve begun amusing myself by claiming my weakness and drawing with stick figures.  It started with me making cards for family members’ birthdays and then expanded as I tried to make boring PowerPoint presentations more interesting at work.  From there, as you’ve noticed, I’ve begun adding them to my articles.

I find drawing these cartoons to be a relaxing experience, often undertaken as a way to wind down in the late evening after a writing session.  Recently, I’ve had fun making four theoretical book covers to “Tears from Iron” and I’m going to close out this brief article by sharing them.  Enjoy!